Happy money
In the current economic system, it is near impossible to satisfy our most basic needs without money. Many beings are highly limited in their awakening process and one of the main reasons is: The lack of money or the fear of lacking money in the future. They feel restricted to a regular job in order to insure their existence. They seperate their professional life from their social and spiritual life.
Then comes the paradox: whilst the money is of no apparent importance to them, they exchange for money what is most precious to them: their time and at times even their health.
Although it is still possible to find a balance: They lose a lot of energy and end up feeling empty with a sense that their work and environment is "Depleeting their Souls".
When some find the courage to take on entrepreneurship, they are confronted to other challenges, such as the diversity of tasks it requires. They learn Marketing, sales, law, staff management, self management, digitilisation... . When comes the initial professional success, the inner drive is present but they do not get lost in "the quest for money and power", the "success" is shortlasting: they tire themseves and realise someday that the new "cage" they have built for themselves is highly dissatisfying.
They eventually encounter the following challlenge: More joy, attracting the right clients, better automation and deleguation of tasks, more free time for physical and mental health.
however since a spiritual awakenning happens in the resulting decelaration ( best case scenarion being a burnout or a depression): they suddenly see reality from a new angle. They realise that the fondations and frequency of vibration of the previous buisness model is no longer adapted to their new personality.
In this case, it is worth turning back and letting go of the ancient, considering the journey as a learning curve. Everything is not lost: he who trusts in the divine guidance, trusts that all of our experiences have a precise meaning. And thus the following question arises:
How can I now turn the corner and orient myself professionally, so that: Joy, ease, meaning and happy money arise?
How can I better manage the lessons I have already learned in order that they support me in the direction of inner freedom?
Defining words/concepts:
I would like to briefly explain below what I mean when I use certain specific words/concepts.
Happy money
Money earned with joy and lightness, and being sourced from an activity that both the benficiary and the payee consider to bring "added value".
The new world
The era where humanity lives in perfection and peace, consious and connected to their divine essence and in symbiosis with nature and all living beings.
5D money
The money of whom the holders, the agents and the beneficiaries,directly or indirectly is issued in a loving manor, collectif interest and is constantly working upon the intellectual and spiritual devellopment.